Silly me!
I thought I would have time to sketch during Open House Chicago!
This is my sketch of Holy Name Cathedral done early in the morning on February 4, 2009, when with out the brave Chicago First Responders the Cathedral would have burned to the ground. I told this story many times OHC2019 weekend.
Over 1,000 people toured Holy Name Catherdral durintg this year’s open house. We docents barely had a chance to sit let alone sketch! It was well worth it however.
Sharing a part of our beautiful city is always a joy to me whether it’s done by sketching or through words.
Sharing Chicagoland!
Enjoy a selection of sketches from USk Chicago members who sketched their explorations during Open House Chicago.
"Quick pen and watercolor sketch outside of the Maxwell St Police Station (now UIC Police), Edbrooke and Burnham, 1888.
This station has been in many TV shows.
It might be most famous for a few scenes from Hill Street Blues (early 80's).
A guided tour took us thru the lobby, holding cells, and gun range. I sketched outside, just as the arctic air rolled in from the lake."
Kris Van Stockum
"I wanted to explore a neighborhood I don’t usually frequent, so I chose Lincoln Square/Ravenswood. Visited The Zen Buddhist Temple and Dank Haus Chicago, as part of Open House Chicago. Here’s my sketch from The Zen Buddhist Temple on Cornelia."

Nishant Jain
In line at the #glessnerhouse.
Lori Hill
“Couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go on a #sketch crawl during the Chicago Architecture Center open house at several historic #chicago landmark theaters and buildings.
LOVED visiting the James M. Nederlander Theatre (formerly Oriental Theatre) and sketching art!"
Mark Jones
"Had the pleasure to get a tour of the former warehouse and distribution site of Bowman Dairy, one of the largest dairy suppliers in Chicago the late 1800’s up to 1966, located at State Street and Root Street in Chicago. Omni Ecosystems has begun a renovation to make it their headquarters. This is a sketch of the doors at the Root Street loading way that separated two of the buildings. Color pencil and Blackwing graphite pencils in a Kohinoor Bristol Smooth Sketchbook."
Tomoko Tanka
"Sketched Old St. Patrick’s Church yesterday. While drawing it, I started hearing bagpipes and saw many people dressed up coming out...and thereafter newlyweds."

Shruti Vijay
"I chose to sketch at the @americantobyjugmuseum as a part of Open house Chicago 2019 @chiarchitecture They have a wide and great collection of Toby jugs. It is truly a hidden treasure and a must visit."
Hendriko Teguh Sangkanparan
Hyde Park "Moving to the next point of interest!"
It was a great weekend. Thank you for sharing your sketches!
If you were out there sketching Chicago and it’s neighborhoods as part of Open House Chicago and would like to share your sketches post them in the comments. We’d all love to see them!
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